I usually don't eat much for breakfast. On work days I'll usually have something easy to make that I can eat while I'm getting ready. Often that means a cream cheese and ham bagel or a Sunbutter sandwich (If, like us, someone at your house gets cauliflower body from peanuts, try it. You'll be amazed.). On weekends I might go all out with a big breakfast, but most of the time it's one of the above or cereal.
Well, today the kids ate the last of the cereal; I didn't want one of the extra eggs I had boiled yesterday when I made tuna salad; there was not a bagel or any Sunbutter in the house, and I didn't want much to eat. I had seen a post on Slashfood about popovers, so I thought I'd give them a try. I did use Martha Stewart's recipe instead, though, because it makes six. A soon as I opened the cabinet to get the muffin pan out (you use what you've got), UKH was right there asking if she could help. She measured the flour and mixed in the salt, and I melted the butter in the microwave and buttered the pan. She whisked the milk, butter, and eggs together and poured them into the dry ingredients. I was a little concerned at how thin the batter was, but the popovers turned out really good. We just ate them plain, but next time maybe I'll plan ahead and have some of my wife's freezer strawberry jam thawed out to put inside them.
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